Pilates Plus

Boutique Pilates, functional fitness, and TRX studio in Louisville, KY.

Offering private and small group classes.

  • Private and semi-private lessons for up to 3 people are available for clients wanting more individualized attention or who need more flexibility in their scheduling.

    Clients must complete a minimum of 3 private lessons before joining a group class.

  • Pilates is a whole body workout that helps you tone your muscles to build strength and endurance while increasing flexibility and mobility.

    People of all ages and abilities can improve their posture and balance, develop core strength, and increase bone density through Pilates training.

    Clients must complete a minimum 3 private lessons before joining a group class.

  • Total Resistance Exercise (TRX) is a specialized form of training that uses your own bodyweight to help you build strength, balance, and flexiblity. TRX uses a unique suspension strap that allows you to target different muscle groups at the same time.

    At PilatesPlus, we also incorporate cable and free weight training into our TRX classes.

    Clients must complete a minimum of 3 private lessons before joining a group class.

We tailor our instruction to your individual needs. Whether you are new to Pilates, TRX, and functional fitness or have been practicing for years, we can help you meet your unique fitness goals and build the strength you need to perform your everyday activities with ease.

Why Pilates Plus?

Contact Us

Get in touch to inquire about private lessons or for more information about our group classes.